Roundtable “Who speaks for (the) science(s)?”
Invitation to a discussion event with Alexander Bogner, Christine Hauskeller, Carsten Reinhardt, and Karin Zachmann, moderated by Jeanne Rubner on April 27th at 6 PM.
You can find the details HERE
Invitation to a discussion event with Alexander Bogner, Christine Hauskeller, Carsten Reinhardt, and Karin Zachmann, moderated by Jeanne Rubner on April 27th at 6 PM.
You can find the details HERE
Keynote on 25.04.23: A Case of Trover? Burying the Evidence for Knowledge Ownership
At the start of the final workshop of the DFG research group “Evidence Practices” in Munich, (25-28 April 2023) read more
As part of the Interdisciplinary Public Lecture Series hosted by Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, on the topic of Mündigkeit 4.0 – Ethics in the Datafied World (Mündigkeit 4.0 – read more
Project member Sascha Dickel has appeared in the podcast, Das soziologische Duett (The Sociological Duett), hosted by PD Dr. Udo Thiedeke. In the 90-minute podcast titled ““Vereinfachte read more
On the 26th March 2020, research group member Prof. Dr. Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio will give a presentation and discussion on the theme of “Negotiating Evidence: from the critique of evidence read more
Sarah Ehlers gives a lecture at the Forty-Third Annual Conference of the German Studies Association on “German Colonialism and European Bodies: Categories and Classifications in Tropical Medicine read more
On the 27 September 2019, Sabine Maasen gave the keynote speech on “The Future of Citizen Research“ at the Forum Citizen Science 2019 in Münster.
Within the scope of the annual conference of the Society for the History of Science, of Medicine and of Technology e. V. (GWMT) in Bonn, which chose “Evidence in Sciences“ as its framework, read more
Andreas Wenninger will give a lecture on the 21st August 2019 at the Conference of the European Sociological Association in Manchester (UK) “Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”. read more
Sascha Dickel and Andreas Wenninger will take part in the spring conference of the read more