During the Annual Meeting of the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) in Philadelphia, PA (October 26 to 29, 2017), Tandem 2 (Objectivity – Safety) will organize the double panel „Safety Tested: (Dis)Proving Technical Safety”:
Session I (October 28, 10:30-12:30 AM):
Jonathan Puff (University of Michigan): The Architecture of Fire Testing in 19th Century American Cities
Arthur Daemmrich (Smithsonian Institution): What about the Children? Chemical Testing Programs in the United States and European Union
Christopher Neumaier (Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam, Germany): “Safe Enough” or Hazardous to Public Health? The Changing Classification of Diesel Emissions in the USA and in Europe since the 1970s
Renée Blackburn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA): Slow Down and Live! The Postwar Focus on Safe Travel
Chair: Nina Lerman (Whitman College)
Commentator: Karin Zachmann (TP 3)
Session II (October 28, 4:00-5:30 PM):
Stefan Esselborn (TP 3): Nuclear Safety by the Numbers. Probabilistic Risk Analysis as a “Trading Zone” in the West German Debate on Nuclear Energy
Ismail Goumri (Paris Descartes University/IRSN, France): Expert’s judgment to probabilistic safety assessment: the reception and the use of the Rasmussen Report in France during the 1970s
Christine Haßauer (TP 4): The Role of Scientific and Intuitive Risk Analysis in the Evidencing Practice for Food Safety
Chair: Arwen Mohun (University of Delaware)
Commentator: Lee Vinsel (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Panel organizer: Stefan Esselborn